Canonical Name: | IC 443 |
TeVCat Name: | TeV J0616+225 |
Other Names: | 3C157 SNR 189.1+03.0 MAGIC 0616+225 1LHAASO J0617+2234 |
Source Type: | Shell |
R.A.: | 06 16 51 (hh mm ss) |
Dec.: | +22 30 11 (dd mm ss) |
Gal Long: | 189.07 (deg) |
Gal Lat: | 2.92 (deg) |
Distance: | 1.5 kpc |
Flux: | 0.03 (Crab Units) |
Energy Threshold: | 300 GeV |
Spectral Index: | 3 |
Extended: | Yes |
Size (X): | 0.16 (deg) |
Size (Y): | 0.16 (deg) |
Discovery Date: | 2007-05 |
Discovered By: | MAGIC |
Green's Catalog: | Link |
TeVCat SubCat: | Default Catalog |
Source Notes:
Source position and its uncertainty:
Albert et al. (2007):
- RA (J2000): 06h 16 m 43s
- Dec (J2000): +22d 31' 48"
- Uncertainty: 1.5' (stat) 1' (syst)
Acciari et al. (2009):
- RA (J2000): 06h 16m 51s
- Dec (J2000): +22d 30m 11s
- Uncertainty: 0.03deg (stat) 0.08deg (syst)
Abdo et al. (2009) report a source associated
with 0FGL J0617.4+2234 (at a similar location to IC443)
with a statistical significance of 3.0 sigma.
Source Extent:
Albert et al. (2007):
- "Within errors, MAGIC J0616+225 is pointlike."
Acciari et al. (2009):
- radius: 0.16 +/- 0.03 (stat) +/- 0.04 (syst) deg
Source Morphology:
Humensky (2015) via
Lemoine-Goumard (2015):
- "The case of IC 443 is one of the most exciting results on SNRs at
this ICRC. The deep observation campaign performed by VERITAS allows
the first morphological study of this middle-age remnant in
interaction with a molecular cloud, revealing a bright gamma-ray
emission at the position of the brightest maser but also some emission
throughout the entire northeast lobe (
Humensky 2015)." Interestingly Fermi-LAT
sees a very similar morphology above 5 GeV. The spectral analysis that
is going on in different regions of the remnant seems to show a harder
spectrum in the North East (where there is no interaction with the
molecular cloud) which is extremely important to constrain and probe
the environmental dependence of cosmic-ray diffusion.
Evidence for cosmic-ray acceleration in SNR:
Ackermann et al. (2013)
"We detected the characteristic pion-decay feature in the gamma-ray
spectra of two SNRs, IC 443 and W44, with the Fermi Large Area
Telescope. This detection provides direct evidence that cosmic-ray
protons are accelerated in SNRs."
The First LHAASO Catalog of Gamma-Ray Sources
Cao, Zhen et al., ApJS 271 p25 (2024) [LINK]
Supernova Shocks in Molecular Clouds: Shocks Driven into Dense Cores in IC 443 and 3C 391
Reach, William T. et al., arXiv e-prints parXiv:2410.22580 (2024) [LINK]
Dust Mass Associated with the Supernova Remnant IC 443 when Emission Meets Extinction
Li, Jun et al., arXiv e-prints parXiv:2202.05174 (2022) [LINK]
Negative and Positive Feedback from a Supernova Remnant with SHREC: A detailed Study of the Shocked Gas in IC443
Cosentino, G. et al., arXiv e-prints parXiv:2201.03008 (2022) [LINK]
Mirror diffusion of cosmic rays in highly compressible turbulence near supernova remnants
Xu, Siyao, arXiv e-prints parXiv:2110.08275 (2021) [LINK]
Investigation of the Physical Origin of Overionized Recombining Plasma in the Supernova Remnant IC 443 with XMM-Newton
Okon, Hiromichi et al., arXiv e-prints parXiv:2108.05944 (2021) [LINK]
Modeling the mixed-morphology supernova remnant IC 443. Origin of its complex morphology and X-ray emission
Ustamujic, S. et al., arXiv e-prints parXiv:2012.08017 (2020) [LINK]
Interstellar anatomy of the TeV gamma-ray peak in the IC443 supernova remnant
Dell'Ova, P. et al., arXiv e-prints parXiv:2011.11515 (2020) [LINK]
Radiative Supernova Remnants and Supernova Feedback
Koo, Bon-Chul et al., arXiv e-prints parXiv:2011.06322 (2020) [LINK]
Near-infrared [FeII] and H2 line mapping of the supernova remnant IC443 with the IRSF/SIRIUS
Kokusho, Takuma et al., arXiv e-prints parXiv:2006.07099 (2020) [LINK]
Physical Conditions in Shocked Interstellar Gas Interacting with the Supernova Remnant IC 443
Ritchey, Adam M. et al., arXiv e-prints parXiv:2005.09096 (2020) [LINK]
Neutral iron line in the supernova remnant IC 443 and implications for MeV cosmic rays
Nobukawa, Kumiko K. et al., PASJ 71 p115 (2019) [LINK]
A Survey of TeV Emission from Galactic Supernova Remnants with HAWC
Fleischhack, H. for the HAWC Collaboration, International Cosmic Ray Conference 36 p674 (2019) [LINK]
Supernova Shocks in Molecular Clouds: Velocity Distribution of Molecular Hydrogen
Reach, William T. et al., arXiv e-prints parXiv:1909.02079 (2019) [LINK]
Searching for the possible signal of the photon-axionlike particle oscillation in the combined GeV and TeV spectra of supernova remnants
Xia, Zi-Qing et al., arXiv e-prints parXiv:1911.08096 (2019) [LINK]
New Scenario of plasma evolution in IC 443
Hirayama, A. et al., arXiv e-prints p (2018) [LINK]
Synchrotron radiation from secondary electrons in SNR shocks
Huang, Y. et al., ArXiv e-prints p (2018) [LINK]
Cosmic rays from supernova remnants and superbubbles
Lingenfelter, R.E., ArXiv e-prints p (2018) [LINK]
NuSTAR Detection of a Hard X-ray Source in the Supernova Remnant - Molecular Cloud Interaction Site of IC 443
Zhang, S. et al., ArXiv e-prints p (2018) [LINK]
Investigating the high-frequency spectral features of SNRs Tycho, W44 and IC443 with the Sardinia Radio Telescope
Loru, S. et al., ArXiv e-prints p (2018) [LINK]
Discovery of a jet-like structure with overionized plasma in the SNR IC443
Greco, E. et al., ArXiv e-prints p (2018) [LINK]
Toward the Understanding of the Physical Origin of Recombining Plasma in the Supernova Remnant IC 443
Matsumura, H. et al., ArXiv e-prints p (2017) [LINK]
Linking gamma-ray spectra of supernova remnants to the cosmic ray injection properties in the aftermath of supernovae
Petruk, O. et al., ArXiv e-prints p (2017) [LINK]
Observations of Supernova Remnants with the Sardinia Radio Telescope
Egron, E. et al., ArXiv e-prints p (2016) [LINK]
High Spatial Resolution X-Ray Spectroscopy of the IC443 Pulsar Wind Nebula and Environs
Swartz, D.A. et al., ArXiv e-prints p (2015) [LINK]
The TeV Morphology of the Interacting Supernova Remnant IC 443
Humensky, B. and for the VERITAS Collaboration, ArXiv e-prints p (2015) [LINK]
Time-dependent Diffusive Shock Acceleration in Slow Supernova Remnant Shocks
Tang, X. and Chevalier, R.A., ArXiv e-prints p (2014) [LINK]
Detection of the Characteristic Pion-Decay Signature in Supernova Remnants
The Fermi-LAT collaboration et al., ArXiv e-prints p (2013) [LINK]
A statistical study of Galactic SNR source spectra detected at >GeV energies
Mandelartz, M. and Becker Tjus, J., ArXiv e-prints p (2013) [LINK]
Unified model for the gamma-ray emission of supernova remnants
Yuan, Q. et al., ArXiv e-prints p (2012) [LINK]
Gamma Rays from Cosmic Rays in Supernova Remnants
Dermer, C.D. and Powale, G., ArXiv e-prints p (2012) [LINK]
Identification of Ambient Molecular Clouds Associated with Galactic Supernova Remnant IC443
Lee, J.J. et al., ArXiv e-prints p (2012) [LINK]
Gamma rays from molecular clouds illuminated by accumulated diffusive protons. II: interacting supernova remnants
Li, H. and Chen, Y., ArXiv e-prints p (2011) [LINK]
Star Formation Associated With the SNR IC443
Xu, J.-L. et al., ArXiv e-prints p (2010) [LINK]
Direct Evidence for Hadronic Cosmic-Ray Acceleration in the Supernova Renmant IC 443
Tavani, M. et al., ArXiv e-prints p (2010) [LINK]
Observation of Supernova Remnant IC443 with the Fermi Large Area Telescope
Abdo, A.A., ArXiv e-prints p (2010) [LINK]
Diffuse Hard X-ray Emission in Starburst Galaxies as Synchrotron from Very High Energy Electrons
Lacki, B.C. and Thompson, T.A., ArXiv e-prints p (2010) [LINK]
The GeV to TeV connection in the environment of SNR IC 443
Torres, D.F. et al., ArXiv e-prints p (2010) [LINK]
Gamma-ray Emission from Crushed Clouds in Supernova Remnants
Uchiyama, Y. et al., ArXiv e-prints p (2010) [LINK]
Observation of Extended Very High Energy Emission from the Supernova Remnant IC 443 with VERITAS
Acciari, V.A. et al., ApJ 698 pL133-L137 (2009) [LINK]
VERITAS Observations of Supernova Remnants and Pulsar Wind Nebulae in the Fermi Era
Humensky, T.B. and for the VERITAS Collaboration, ArXiv e-prints p (2009) [LINK]
Milagro Observations of Multi-TeV Emission from Galactic Sources in the Fermi Bright Source List
Abdo, A.A. et al., ApJ 700 pL127-L131 (2009) [LINK]
MAGIC J0616+225 as delayed TeV emission of cosmic rays diffusing from the supernova remnant IC 443
Torres, D.F. et al., MNRAS 387 pL59-L63 (2008) [LINK]
Spitzer Observations of Supernova Remnant IC 443
Noriega-Crespo, A. et al., ArXiv e-prints 804 p (2008) [LINK]
XMM-Newton observations of the supernova remnant IC 443: II. evidence of stellar ejecta in the inner regions
Troja, E. et al., ArXiv e-prints 804 p (2008) [LINK]
Discovery of Very High Energy Gamma Radiation from IC 443 with the MAGIC Telescope
Albert, J. et al., ApJ 664 pL87-L90 (2007) [LINK]
Polarization Observations of 1720 MHz OH Masers toward the Three Supernova Remnants W28, W44, and IC 443
Claussen, M.J. et al., ApJ 489 p143-+ (1997) [LINK]
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